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Student Workshops

There are several workshops that are currently available for students. Scroll below to see the details regarding each opportunity. When you are ready to choose which workshops apply to your current needs, click on the link to book your request.


Image by Kaitlyn Baker

But bullying is just a part of life...

We have come a long way in recognizing what bullying is and it's impact on society. Still, youth and adults continue to engage in this aggressive behaviour and it is of utmost importance to inform youth at a young age what it is, how it impacts them, their friends, and those around them. This 1-hour workshop allows students to understand the significant impact of bullying and what they can do to help themselves and others. 

Building Confidence

School Kids

What is confidence and how does it show up in my life?

As children, we are often told to "speak up", "stand up tall", "project your voice" - all of these things will make you seem like you have confidence. When we apply for our first real job around the age of 22, we remember to "project the image" of what confidence looks like. But how can we start to feel it instead of just playing the part? Contact us to find out how your students can start right now. 

My Stepfamily

Image by CDC

I have a stepmom and/or a stepdad and I don't know what to feel. 

Let's face it, living in step has it's challenges for everyone. Unfortunately, our society still has difficulty in accepting vulnerability and allowing us to voice these difficulties. At Discovering Me, we want to provide a safe space for kids to be able to voice their concerns openly and work through any challenges they may be facing. We offer group and individual workshops as well as coaching. Contact us to find out how we can help students who are having difficulty with their family dynamics. 

Listening & Communication

Image by Keren Fedida

I talk with my friends all the time. I know how to communicate. 

While social interaction is of great importance during the formative years of development, a big part of communication is listening and kids haven't grasped this concept, nor are they provided with the necessary tools to learn this skill.  During this 1- hour workshop, students will be introduced to communication skills that they will not learn by simply speaking with their friends. Contact us to find out more. 


Image by Danist Soh

Tunnel vision versus taking on another's perspective. 

Encouraging empathy and connection is one thing, but how do we do this in a world where everything is about immediate gratification? Helping students understand another's perspective offers them emotional maturity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to be considerate of themselves and others. Contact us below to see how this workshop can benefit your students. 

Instafamous & Self-Esteem 

Image by Andhika Soreng

I know that everyone on TikTok and Snapchat have awesome lives!

The world of Instafamous is leaving kids with an understanding of how they should feel based on what people post online. How do we really know how influencers are feeling and what are students' thoughts on the topic? How are they comparing themselves to online pictures? What is happening in their own online world? Click below to see what we can offer your students. 

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